Marshall Brown

Uniform Essay

by Marshall Brown 

Only very late in the process did I learn from Jamie that my uniform already has a name: “Uncle Ho”. The name likely refers to the Vietnamese revolutionary, Ho Chi Minh. I am not a communist, but this uniform is inspired by a vague nostalgia for the aesthetics of 60’s and 70’s liberation movements. It was most directly influenced by clothes worn by Muhammad Ali during his trip to Zaire in 1974 to fight George Foreman – the so called “Rumble in the Jungle” – which took place one year after I was born. I imagine this as the uniform of an historical moment or even just an attitude, rather than for a particular vocation. Perhaps this style could be called liberation-chic. The aesthetic is futuristic and classic. Militant and elegant. Utilitarian and relaxed.

Bio Marshall Brown was born in East Orange New Jersey and raised in the suburbs.  Now he is a Chicago architect who works on cities.  His main goal in life is to get free and stay that way.

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Reference photos


Photo & Artwork by Damon Locks

Pattern & Sewing by Orchid Tailors


Sketch by Jamie Hayes

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